Movable Home

Movable Home, for string orchestra, is a one movement set of “kaleidoscopic-funhouse-hall-of-mirrors-whodunit” passacaglia-like variations. Materials coalesce, bubble up, and recombine in surprising and varied ways: energetic, playful, elegiac, unhinged, jazzy, even an even an Indian-tinged vocalise for violin and cello. Commissioned by San José Chamber Orchestra (Artistic Director Barbara Day Turner), Takoma Ensemble (Victoria Gau, Artistic Director) and  SONYC (String Orchestra of New York, Monica Bauchwitz, Artistic Director).



Movable Home, for string orchestra, is a set of “kaleidoscopic-funhouse-hall-of-mirrors-whodunit” passacaglia-like variations. Materials coalesce, bubble up, and recombine in surprising and varied ways: energetic, playful, elegiac, unhinged, jazzy, even an even an Indian-tinged vocalise for violin and cello. It also features the 4 principal strings as soloists against the rest of the ensemble. It is in one movement. It was a consortium commission from San José Chamber Orchestra (Artistic Director Barbara Day Turner), Takoma Ensemble (Victoria Gau, Artistic Director) and  SONYC (String Orchestra of New York, Monica Bauchwitz, Artistic Director). For more info about this work click HERE.

Contact the composer for pricing of materials.