It was immensely gratifying to moderate a panel on climate change & sustainability during the New orchestra of Washington’s recent May 4, 2019 concert: Re(new)al featuring Sandbox Percussion. The panel consisted of Sarah Bedolfe (a marine scientist from Oceana USA), Peter Hillier (the sustainability liaison for Room&Board), Sofia Rojas (a senior at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, MD), Ian Rosenbaum (from Sandbox Quartet), Rabbi Warren Stone (known nationally as “the Climate Rabbi”), and Alan Yu (the director of International Climate Policy at the Center for American Progress). The superb concert centered on Sandbox Percussion as soloists in Viet Cuong’s percussion concerto, “Re(new)al” ) commissioned by the Albany Symphony and General Electric (GE) Renewable Energy), as well as works by Max Richter, and Claude Debussy.