New & Timely Song & Video: DREAM

“The Constitution is worth saving, the rule of law is worth saving, democracy is worth saving, but these things can and will be lost if everyone waits around for someone else.”
–Timothy D. Snyder
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We are living in dangerous times — politically and socially — and part of what makes them so dangerous is so many Americans are still unaware…of context, of history. I wrote DREAM and co-created the video, because I believe that music and visuals can offer a novel and powerful way of underscoring what is happening in America, and world-wide in, a clear, concise, yet viscerally compelling way. At just 4 minutes in length, DREAM is not a podcast, not an editorial: we know how powerfully images and music have resonated in past movements. I created DREAM with this in mind. I offer DREAM in that spirit.

And I have a request: please watch DREAM (it’s just 4 minutes long) and share it WIDELY. I would like it to make a constructive difference for our upcoming midterm elections on November 8th. Democracy and freedom – and all that follows – are on the ballot. We need to “sing that out” loud and clear, and art can help. Thank you. — Joel Phillip Friedman (composer/lyricist). Special thanks for the talents of Alex Gallows (voice) and Scott Thureen (video).

This project was supported by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

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