It wouldn’t be a new year without a new Beatles course! Indeed, I return to Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program, where I have taught since 2008, with Music 48 The Beatles (AKA “The White Album”) starting February 14th. From Rishikesh to the last take of Julia, this 4-session mini course will be live online, Wednesday evenings, which means the best of all possible worlds. Watch it live with wonderful audio and attend the post-class Q&A. Missed something in class? Watch it again later at your convenience. Forgot you had that trip planned making you miss the 3rd class? Don’t worry, watch it later upon your return. If you are registered for the class, you have unlimited access to class videos until the end of the quarter. Wait, isn’t February 14th Valentine’s Day? Why, yes it is. It makes a great gift for your Valentine, even if you are registering for yourself. You can register HERE. “A splendid time is guaranteed for all.”